
Saturday 6 February 2016

MHTT World Champs Buildup Diary: Two Weeks to Go!

Just two weeks left till I leave to New Zealand before heading for the World Champs in Malaysia. Still enough time to make some last minute improvements. Overall things have been going reasonably well. I've played 11 matches in the last 3 weeks of the league and won 10, losing the 11th match 3-2 (against a player I beat 3-2 the previous week). My footwork for playing forehands has been much better in matches and I am committing to playing it more so than my backhand which had become my default response.

Table Tennis World Team Championships 2016 Kuala Lumpur

I've lost some weight since the beginning of my diary buildup but not so close to where I would have liked to have been, however I am in better shape than when I started. The diet has been the hardest part, I haven't been as committed to it as I needed to be. This has always been something I have struggled with because I absolutely love food. I think I find it too easy to make excuses and cheat on my routine, though I have been able to keep up most of my mini physical training sessions in the mornings or after training.

In the next two weeks I'd like to get to the gym a little more often and really focus in on matchplay drills. I think I'm moving in line with my training plan well and I expect I should be in good shape by the time I get to Malaysia. Here's hoping! :D

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