Andrea (or Andi) Todorovic can often be seen gracing the pages of a Butterfly Catalogue or in action in a Butterfly video clip. Andi is a 1.8 meter tall table tennis machine from Serbia who competes in the German League and gets a lot of enjoyment out of photoshoots. For these reasons I decided she was the perfect candidate to include in my Ping Pong Runway. Here is what the lovely Miss Todorovic had to say :)
As with all the ladies so far, Andrea joins the ranks of the skirt wearer. She believes that shorts are a little too manly and also prefers skirts over dresses as she believes they are not only more comfortable, but allow for more outfit colour coordination with shirts. Andi can usually be seen wearing skirts in play and loves what she wears because it is girly and classy.
Andrea Todorovic in the latest Butterfly Catalogue |
While looking good on the table was the topic on the cards, Andi is a humble and dedicated sportswoman. She firmly believes that looking physically good is not all that important in her eyes. What is most important in her opinion is the character and spirit of a female player, the charm and also the sportsmanship.
Adding some style to a ping pong photoshoot |
Andi talked a little about photoshooting and what she likes about it. She loves the preparation for the photoshoots, the hair and makeup and clothing. She said it can be exhausting and sometimes she thinks photoshooting is harder than practicing 3 times a day, but she loves posing and meeting new people at each shoot and overall it is great fun!
Her favourite photoshoots are with Butterfly, Andi claims that they are the best shoots and she loves the feeling when the catalogues come out and everything looks good and professional and the equipment is endorsed well. Andrea said "I am so proud when they call me to take photoshoot or videoshooting with them (Butterfly)" and said it is a pleasure to work with them.
Andi wearing a Butterfly Tracksuit in the latest Catalogue |
When I asked what the most fun she had on a photoshoot was Andi was quick to tell me about her video shoot for the Butterfly App. After having been sick for 2 weeks she was told she would be hitting with Timo Boll for the filming. Her first reaction was "Oh my GOD, I haven't played for 2 weeks and now I have to play with Timo Boll!" After all the built up nerves everything went smoothly and it was all a lot of fun. I could tell how relieved Andi was just from hearing the story :D
The gorgeous Andrea Todorovic on the beach! |
If you looked at Andrea Todorovic you would instantly wonder why this girl was a table tennis player and not a model. Well the truth is that despite being a 1.8 meter, long legged attractive and lean looking Serbian woman, Andi Todorovic is incredibly passionate about table tennis and as I finished my short interview with Andi she made this comment. "To them I say, I only want to play table tennis, but if Victoria's Secret calls me, then why not ;)"
Thank you so much Andi for taking the time to walk and talk the MHTT Ping Pong Runway and good luck in Japan! :D
Great interview, she's a stunner! Table Tennis needs more of of these kind of players :)